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Ecosystem Catalyst. Entrepreneur.

A track record of building communities, fostering
inclusive innovation, and driving economic development. 

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Tom is a founder and creator. In the late 1990's he saw a need for a new kind of technology organization. He created opportunities for collaboration, such as the Innovation unConference, Boston Tech Jam, the Tech Compact for Social Justice, the Board-Ready Bootcamp, On the Tech Trail podcast, and more.

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Education is a through line in Tom's life. He was raised by educators, taught at Northeastern University, served on the Massachusetts Board of Higher Education, chaired the MassTLC Education Foundation, advocated for education policy, and was elected to the Winchester
School Committee where he serves as Chair.

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Tom is mission driven, focused on problem solving and creating opportunities for others. He stood with Attorney General Maura Healey in opposition to the Trump Travel ban, and commissioned a report on the economic value of immigrants which was cited by Justices Breyer,  Ginsburg, and Sotomayor.

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Tom is a connector and translator, working to help lawmakers and business leader learn about each other's worlds. Policy will be made and funds allocated regardless of who's voice is at the table. Tom enjoys bringing business leaders to the table with policy makers to learn and act on important issues.

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